Gaming Table

Freight Port Table - Containers & 1st Tile

More progress on the Freight Port table.


Constructed Containers

First off, a big bunch of colourful containers using the same card-wrapped-over-EPS construction method as the first one. Note that the taller pile at the back is a single piece representing four containers.


Freight Port Table - Planning & Prep (updated)

The Inspiration

Not having made any scenery for some time I've been starting to get itchy fingers. So when I saw this Tetris-inspired idea for a modular small storage space table on the Infinity forums I decided to start a new table.

Daixomaku's original Sketchup design and tiles:


Rather than a direct copy I'm using the basic idea of stackable tiles (and 3x3 16" tiles to make a 4x4' board) but making it more industrial/SF-looking by taking the idea of the big walls and cladding them with micro-corrugated card to make freight containers. As this is a table that doesn't need to be so easily transportable I have more freedom in the design.

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